Thursday, August 2, 2007

bypass orkut filters

Ever thought of orkutting on your mobile. How if you can orkut while travelling by bus, train .etc! well, All you need is :-
  1. a GPRS enabled mobile phone
  2. an active internet connection (Mobile Office in case of Airtel) and
  3. mobile application opera mini.
If you try to open on mobile it fails due to either design of the site or limitations for support of javascript in opera mini. Even orkut says-

Currently, isn’t compatible with mobile devices. To access your orkut profile, please try logging in using your computer’s web browser.

But the truth is... I've been orkutting on my mobile for past few months with opera mini using this link. Since the link address is too long, for convenience add, (note: without www) as bookmark.

Previously, i was able to check scrapbook/communities, delete scraps and search but was unable to scrap someone... But recently unplugged showed some tricks to do so. though they are tedious, they do the job.

Note:- make sure you bookmark them correctly else they won't work.

1. To scrap
add a bookmark with name scrap@orkut or anything and address

javascript:{document.forms[1].action += "&Action.submit=";document.forms[1].submit();}



Now each time you want to scrap someone, go to his/her scrapbook... type the message in the message box (on pressing ok the page tries to load.. you can press cancel .. no problem!)

Now, open the bookmark scrap@orkut. It will post your scrap in the background. you can check out by reloading your friend's scrapbook.

2. Reply from your own scrapbook
add a bookmark with name reply@orkut with address

javascript:{ for (var i = 1; i<=10;i++) { if (document.getElementById("scrapText_" + i).value != "") { document.getElementById("b" + (i*3 +1)).onclick();break;} } }

Now to reply from your own scrapbook, type the message in reply message box and open this bookmark.

3. Sending Message
add a bookmark named as message@orkut with address

4. Adding a friend
add a bookmark named addfriend@orkut with address

and open it when asked for confirmation while adding a friend.

5. Joining community
with name joincommunity@orkut

open this bookmark when it asks for confirmation.

As i've said earlier, these procedures are quite tedious but they work no doubt. Hope that things will be easier in near future.

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